Michael Davitt, a cool guy from the past.
Born at Straide, County Mayo in 1846. Son of a small farmer, he was imprisoned between 1870 and
1877 for his political activities. In 1879, he founded the Land League, with Parnell as President. As a result of Land League
agitation, the British government began a process to end landlordism in Ireland. Davitt served as an MP for Co. Meath, North
Meath and South Mayo. He died in 1906.

Dr Richard Michaelis (& partner Sophie). Richard is an expert on the French Revolution, and has a brain stuffed with
an unfeasibly large amount of knowledge about C19 and C20th history generally. I teach with him sometimes, & we set the
world to rights in the King's Arms still more.

Jess shows her phone to James Thompson, who is the archetypal Englishman.

James Thompson's manly profile.

Dr Senia Paseta, a Fellow at St Hugh's, Oxford, and another historian of Ireland, shows how smoking can be both fun AND
elegant. But don't try it kids!

Barbra teaches history & politics and mistrusts globalisation

Here are the excellent Princeton students working with Dr Richard Michaelis and I on the history of the British Isles.
It's a rather poor photograph (pity my poor, weak digital camera), so I'll replace it with a better one soonest.

Princeton students, older and wiser. It's been a blast.

From a fancy-dress part to celebrate Jess's birthday. Vicky is a bee, Willow a bear. |

Simon ringed with fire. |

My kind Belfast hosts, Julian and Pauline, read a boring book. |

Dr Brigid Crawford, nee Lowe, is cheered by her Viva triumph. |

Jennie (Vicky's sister) and husband Glenn. They currently live in sunny San Diego, the lucky things.