M.A., Ph.D. Lecturer (CUF) in Modern History St Catherine's College
My research interests concern Ulster Unionism, Irish Republicanism, political violence in Ireland, the troubles
in Northern Ireland and non-Stalinist revolutionary socialist traditions.
Selected publications:
The Longest War: Northern Ireland's Troubled History (Oxford, 2002)
To Care Always: 100 years of Holywell Hospital, Antrim, 1898-1998 (Antrim, 1999)
Northern Ireland at the Crossroads: Ulster Unionism in the O'Neill Years, 1960-9 (Basingstoke and New York, 2000)
'Assimilation versus segregation: Unionist strategy in the 1960s', Twentieth Century British History, vol.ii, no.3
(2000), pp.284-30.
Here are a couple of my book reviews, on Irish history, at the excellent Voice of the Turtle website.
I gave a talk on Northern Ireland at

Hay Talk